Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation protects environmentally sensitive forestland with award from the Enviva Forest Conservation Fund and Ducks Unlimited
Matching-fund grant protects cypress-tupelo swamp forests along the Nottoway River in Southampton County, VA Southampton, Va. – Feb. 6, 2017 – The... Read More
2017 Enviva Forest Conservation Fund Request for Pre-Proposals
For Immediate Release: Greenville, S.C. and Bethesda, Md., November 1 – The U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities (Endowment) today released a... Read More
$5 Million Enviva Forest Conservation Fund Announces 2016 Conservation Grants
The Enviva Forest Conservation Fund (the “Fund”), a $5 million, 10-year program designed to protect tens of thousands of acres of bottomland forests in northeast North Carolina and southeast Virginia, today announced the recipients of its 2016 grants.
Enviva Forest Conservation Fund Announces 2016 North Carolina Conservation Grants
The Enviva Forest Conservation Fund, a $5 million, 10-year program designed to protect tens of thousands of acres of bottomland forests in northeast North Carolina and southeast Virginia, today announced the recipients of its 2016 grants. They are: The Nature Conservancy North Carolina Chapter; Triangle Land Conservancy; The Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation; and The Nature Conservancy Virginia Chapter.
$5 Million Enviva Forest Conservation Fund Announces 2016 Grants
The Enviva Forest Conservation Fund, a $5 million, 10-year program designed to protect tens of thousands of acres of bottomland forests in northeast North Carolina and southeast Virginia, today announced the recipients of its 2016 grants. They are: The Nature Conservancy North Carolina Chapter; Triangle Land Conservancy; The Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation; and The Nature Conservancy Virginia Chapter.
Enviva Forest Conservation Fund Announces 2016 Virginia Conservation Grants
The Enviva Forest Conservation Fund, a $5 million, 10-year program designed to protect tens of thousands of acres of bottomland forests in northeast North Carolina and southeast Virginia, today announced the recipients of its 2016 grants. They are: The Nature Conservancy North Carolina Chapter; Triangle Land Conservancy; The Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation; and The Nature Conservancy Virginia Chapter.
Enviva Launches $5m sustainable forest Fund
Enviva, the world's largest producer of wood pellets, has today launched a $5m (£3.3m) conservation fund to protect sensitive areas of forest in America. Over the next decade the Enviva Forest Conservation Fund will award grants to non-profit organisations working to preserve sensitive areas of forest across North Carolina and Virginia in the US – states where Enviva operates three wood pallet-production factories.
Wood pellet co. creates conservation fund
The $5 million, 10-year conservation program, to be based in Greenville, South Carolina, company officials say, is designed to protect tens of thousands of acres of bottomland forests in northeast North Carolina and southeast Virginia.
Enviva starts forest conservation fund
Enviva announced Thursday that it will create a $5 million, 10-year program aimed at conserving bottomland forests in North Carolina and Virginia. "With the launch of the Enviva Forest Conservation Fund, Enviva will work with leading conservation organizations to identify areas of special concern and provide grants to permanently conserve thousands of acres of this forestland," John Keppler, chairman and CEO of Enviva, said in a prepared statement.
Enviva Announces $5 Million Conservation Fund
This initiative, which Enviva said it will fund over the next 10 years until it reaches the $5 million total, is designed “to protect tens of thousands of acres of bottomland forests in northeast North Carolina and southeast Virginia,” according to the company’s news release.